Lotus Quickr

Now it’s available Lotus Quickr in Lotus Greenhouse.

It’s defined like the fastest way to share everyday content across connected teams.

  1. Shared content libraries: You can share content in Lotus Quickr libraries, and access that content from desktop applications.
  2. Team places: Create online places with provided templates.
  3. Connectors to popular applications: Use connectors to interact with content in your Lotus Quickr libraries.

I have created a place based in a ‘Project Library’ template (there are around 8 templates).

After that you can visit your Welcome page, create announcements and Add Components!!.

In the body field of the announcement you can create tables, insert columns… The problem is that I cannot save it. I have post the problem in the forum.

As the template is a project library, I can create tasks, assign to a member, start date, end date… Then, from a view you can click directly on a progress bar to indicate the percentage you have covered (that’s cute). It’s really quick. Lotus Connections is slower that Quickr.

The basic template only contains these document types. After that, you can add components to your place: wiki, RSS, blog, libraries and contacts, so you can customize it. That’s very powerful.

You can add documents with the same features that you currently use in Domino.doc: check in, check out, edit profile…

To enhance your document management you can download a Plug-in for the Browser.

These 2 last facts are a good news for us. I have to pay more attention in these features in order to give to Domino.Doc a proper evolution, great!

1 thought on “Lotus Quickr”

  1. Greenhouse gives you the link to download Sametime 7.5.1

    I have worked with it and it makes my computer to be so, so slow…

    If you are not going to use the Composite features of Sametime, stay with 7.5, is faster.


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