Patterns of Conflict, by John Boyd

The importance of John Boyd’s “Patterns of Conflict” cannot be overstated. It changed the military, the business world, and even sports forever. John Boyd was the most influential military thinker the United States ever produced. He delivered this brief hundreds of times in the 1970’s and 1980’s to lawmakers, military officials, legislative staffers, and anyone … Read more

What is offers a passive monitoring solution, ensuring GDP compliance and auditability by using blockchain and IoT technology. Modum’s tested solution offers a significant cost savings over the active-cooling methods currently used. An additional benefit provided, through the use of cutting-edge technology, is that valuable data can be created to drive continuous improvement … Read more

Learning Solidity with

Solidity is a contract-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts. It is used for implementing smart contracts on various blockchain platforms. It was created by the Etherium team. Remix is the official Solidity IDE. How to learn about it? there are already so many places where you can learn about it. I’m testing I … Read more