Awful AI

Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI – hoping to raise awareness to its misuses in society. I keep it for my poor memory.

Project approach for a Machine Learning project

The project approach is defined by the lifecycle of the solution, and here I will focused just on the machine learning side of the project (other sections as infrastructure, education, operations…) will not be reviewed here. What is the lifecycle of a Machine Learning solution? The lifecycle is sequential and in reality is can be … Read more

Considerations for the project scope of a Machine Learning project

Let’s start with the basic questions What is the business problem to be solved? What is the situation AS-IS? What are the current pain points you are facing? How are you attending these pain points? Are the causes of the problem identified? What is the problem impact? What is the desired situation TO-BE? What are … Read more

Machine Learning project: Agile or Waterfall approach?

This question is so easy: agile approach. Why? Because it recognizes that the construction of the solution requires different loops. Reason 1: ML models change overtime Machine Learning projects are supported on ML models, and models change overtime. Why do a model change overtime? A model change overtime because the data used to train the … Read more

Deep learning evolution

Evolution happens in different waves of diffusion and deep learning is not an exception. I add this time-line to remind how it evolved, and how the co-evolution of technology has been necessary to enable to end the “neural winter” lived during almost 20 years.

AWS Honeycode

Honeycode is the low-code service in beta version being implemented by Amazon. Things I have noticed: The features are very basic, the templates available basic too. The customers using it are not top tier customers. It’s beta. The number of vacancies opened in is low and last role available is from April 2022. The … Read more

Print on Demand Services

Since 2015 – 2018 there are different print on demand services available around the world that enable designers to produce and commercialize their products in different geographic areas. The main products sold on this way are shirts, pullover hoddies, zip hoddies and other type of textile products. There are other vendors that offer mugs, caps, … Read more