El plan revolucionario

Este libro de nutrición rompe con muchos dogmas adquiridos por la sociedad occidental de nuestros tiempos. Habla sobre como mirar la alimentación como una parte más de nuestra vida, recordarnos de donde venimos y como el marketing nos ha cambiado los hábitos, revisar cada cosa buena y mala que una acción tiene sobre tu cuerpo, … Read more

Bank Transformation Toolkit

This framework is used for the major banks to enable the different channels that banks use to have: internal, web, mobile, ATM, … The old name of the product was: WSBCC-WebSphere Business Components Composer. I understand why they have changed the name of the product to BTT. In reality this Websphere component can be used … Read more

Innovation is hard thing

Edison’s electric light did not come about from the continuous improvement of the candles. ~ Oren Harari Innovation is a hard and continuous frustrating job. Your mind has to fight every day against the unknown. People says “oh wow, you work on an innovation project, that’s cool !”, but they really do not always understand … Read more