DuPont Finance Analysis

This way to perform financial analysis started to be done by DuPont in 1920, and it gained a lot of recognition and acceptance. Profitability (measured by profit margin) = Net profit/Sales Operating efficiency (measured by asset turnover) = Sales/Assets Financial leverage (measured by equity multiplier) = Assets/Equity The calculation sequence is as follows: ROE = … Read more

DuPont, not KKR, to buy Herberts

Some history to remind, it was November 1998 when… link “DuPont is to buy the Herberts coatings operation of Hoechst, replacing USfinancial buyout specialist Kohlberg Kravis Roberts(KKR)…” They continually are exceptional: “DuPont says it has been looking at the Herberts business for several years and feels it is an ‘exceptional’ fit in terms of complementary … Read more