Social Networks dominance
This statistics belongs to January 2023, I keep it for future comparison for when “Threads” is added to it: Where do you think that Threads will appear?
Just a place to write
This statistics belongs to January 2023, I keep it for future comparison for when “Threads” is added to it: Where do you think that Threads will appear?
In the past, I did a quick review about how Facebook works, and an analysis of how the video games industry has evolved. On this last one, you can see how the concept “metaverse” starts to be present in the companies trying to attract users to their video games and environments. On this map, I … Read more
This is an idea, maybe a crazy one, but here we go. I see social media companies are an useful tools and they have enabled so many positive things, but in some uses they are a problem society, not only by the use given by an end user, but by the controller of the tool … Read more
Coming from the post published by Simon Wardley Digital Sovereignty, I was thinking about some way to look at the situation at the right perspective. So here they come some initial toughs about what potentially could come. In my last post Government and Facebook conflicts, I point to some basic conflicts between governments and Facebook. … Read more
Simon Wardley has first written about digital sovereignty and later he did some comments on Twitter about the moves a company as Facebook is doing. Simon’s answer captured my attention: So, first I have done is a short analysis about how Facebook works, decomposing the main components of a huge company as it is. I … Read more
This post tries to analyze some aspects of Facebook as a company, so I can confront some values promoted by Facebook and how they enter in conflict with government’s values. Let’s start looking for capital flows The first thing is to follow the flow of capital, so first thing I have done is to look … Read more
Twitter just announced that they are removing the 140 characters for direct messages. To me as user this means they become a clone of Facebook. Which of the main things you do in Facebook cannot be done in Twitter? Facebook did a move adding the possibility of replying to replies, so the replies are more … Read more
Telecom companies are so happy with the digital and mobile consumption (digital TV, facebook, whatssup…..), and when they cannot be more happy, some of the social networks comes and make them even happier. The last chapter was written by facebook and its new “autoplay” feature. The users scroll down on facebook and the videos start … Read more
This article is a must read for those who work on software, this is how the first division players run the game, in 2013!