Preparing PMO Approach

There are a lot of expectations in the creation of the PMO in our site. They want a PMO; they don’t know what it is and what not, but they want one.

In this scenario where expectations are so high, the first thing to do is to manage them.

At this time I think I need to prepare the field court.

The company where I work has a proven methodology and all people expect that we are only limit on work to implement it.

For me that’s an error, and I need to explain it carefully.

I see the construction od the PMO as an organizational change that will cover a lot of items of the site (people, processes…). This approach is the right one for me, the other things are tools that I need to use in the process.

As all changes, I need to create a movement:

  • Top-down: upper-managers,
  • Down-top: coaching & mentoring of people of team.

In any case, a good communication plan is mandatory.

I still need to mature this approach because change minds is not bread & crumbs, but first phase will be to prepare conditions for change.

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