Hoshin Kanri, strategic planning

In this small series of posts related to application portfolio management, I wrote about the issues I found in a “problematic” portfolio and about  tools & methodology. The next component I wanted to write is about the strategy to put in place the improvement plan I have prepared.

I had an idea about how to do it and after creating my own way solution I started to look into quality management blogs and other sources of information. I found Hoshin Kanri and I am now in the process of adapting my solution to it.

In my favor, I have to say that I was not too far of the principles and steps to take, so I’m happy with it.

The added value Hoshin Kanri provides to me is:

  • Some specific graphs and jigs that enable me to visualize the link between strategy, actions, measures and performance.
  • Confirms to me the need to involve the right people, get commitment, insist on continuous communication and to have a clear picture about the main metrics required to walk in the right direction and do not lose the focus.

Being simplistic, it is a DMAIC focused on the strategy for a plan, but it is the recommendations and key areas proposed on this area the ones who are taking


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