Planning and controlling transition

The sample below comes in the managing successful programmes book. The diagram describes a simple example showing outputs, transition management and benefits realization.


  1. Benefit baseline measurement, done during the development of the blueprint to understand how we go from the situation “as-is” to the desired state “to-be”.
  2. Output, the project has been delivered.
  3. which is received by the business unit as Enabler,
  4. to take into its operations (Sustained business operations).
  5. Business change management, changes may be required for this single enabler to embed it into operations.
  6. Operational outcome, is the achievement itself at operational/business level.
  7. Benefits realization, must be tracked by the Business Change Manager (BCM).
  8. Embedded change, a change that sticks.

The cycle is simple, and so much times is not understood by people around a program. I recently have seen how the role of Business Change Manager was lost after a program concluded, and there were no follow-up of the business benefits after that: a completely waste of time/money/effort for an organization who invested a lot on such program.

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