Agile Contracting

Last week I had time to attend a web conference about how to get contracts implementing your projects under agile rules. I would like to remember some of the points the speaker stressed.


  • Visibility, the customer is the person who gets the backlog and decide the next package of features to be developed.
  • Continuous delivery, that works on immediate value for the customer.
  • Risk reduction in terms of cost of change orders, cost of project termination, cost of vendor switch.


  • To perform estimations of the functionalities they work on the real velocity of development, doing a continuous measures on them.
  • Development speed is also measured to see if this speed is continuous or have accelerations or decelerations (considered bad).
  • They have some KPIs used as references: line of hope, line of desperation…
  • Some other graphics with monthly graphics where presented. They draw lines of reference with: mean (last 8), mean (-3 worst)…

This part in the management of the speed was the most interesting for me.

A colleague told me they are working using agile framework under software life-cycle, specifically they are working on scrum, but the development of the project is under waterfall:

“…adopting the better characteristics of each methodology and being properly balanced we are delivering quickly under our corporate methodology…”

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