SalesForce Vs SharePoint

I have personal aversion on SharePoint and special appreciation on SalesForce. Why? I like the things done in the right way.

SalesForce has a strong and aggressive “sales force”, and this is something I do not like too much, but they have a very good product. Their platform is built with a clear projection on the future, it’s a real SaaS from the basis till the last feature. And the most important thing: it works.

SharePoint: it does not work, that’s all I can say.

I have seen decisions done at corporate level about the implementation of Office 365, and when these programs start to operate they have thousand issues, delays, lack of adoption by the community, etc.

The corporate level though that they were going to save money: jajajaja!!!! poor guys.

You start using SalesForce and it’s like Facebook, you do not need to read the user manual. The SharePoint users start working with libraries and instead of use metadata, they work with folders, so they are making a wrong decision and they do not know it. Microsoft should think about the way of removing the folders in the sense of the architecture design.

Give me a penny every time there is a failure in a workflow done on SalesForce and I will be poor, give me a penny if a workflow fails on SharePoint and I will be rich in less than 5 minutes.

Thanks Microsoft, as SharePoint fails a lot I have customers that pay me because your product fails. In addition your poor service support has gave me the arguments to demonstrate that my team is not guilty or under prepared to deliver the support: the limit is the product!!! and then, they do not blame us.

There are large number of SharePoint support teams, and none support teams on SalesForce.

If you work on SalesForce as developer you will be always working on projects. If you work on SharePoint as developer, you will be always fixing the first product you installed on production.

Are you implementing SharePoint and migrating from Lotus Notes? I’m so sorry about you.

You see how the solution clearly evolves: winter, spring, summer, winter, spring summer… how much time has been Microsoft denying and ignoring issues of SharePoint 2010? and now they recognize and “suggest” to all people to move to SharePoint 2013; come on!!! this is not serious.

I have had a lot of discussions with people from my company and outside my firm that has the same opinion. Some of them loves SharePoint, but those do not know SalesForce.

They are different things, you do not want to pay all the storage at the SalesForce rate to just to have the documentation there: SalesForce is not a document management system, that’s clear. But SharePoint… what is really SharePoint? I still do not know.

I was talking to a CIO some weeks ago and he still told me that SalesForce is more expensive. He still has Lotus Notes in his organization and I was explaining all the issues he was going to face. He is re-assessing the situation.

2 thoughts on “SalesForce Vs SharePoint”

  1. Mr. Joapen how u can criticize the SharePoint now a days? people are getting benefits by using SharePoint in their org. I know that its implementation is tuff but after implementation it gives lot of time saving and quick retrieval of information wherever required. I think you are a new person to SharePoint. That’s why sharepoint is not your cup of tea. so u r crtisizing it.
    U can ask anything about SharePoint. And i will let u know that how SharePoint is better than

  2. Hello Amit, I can do it because I have lived negative experiences with that platform as exposed above. I understand that for some corporations they are having some good experiences, but the price paid is so high, there are collaboration alternatives better than SharePoint, just look at researches reports (Gatner, TBR…).


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