Governance Vs Management

Governance ensures that stakeholder needs, conditions and options are evaluated to determine balanced, agreed-on enterprise objectives to be achieved; setting direction through prioritization and decision making; and monitoring performance and compliance against agreed-on direction and objectives.

In most enterprises, overall governance is the responsibility of the board of directors under the leadership of the chairperson. Specific governance responsibilities may be delegated to special organizational structures at an appropriate level, particularly in larger, complex enterprises.

Management plans, builds, runs and monitors activities in alignment with the direction set by the governance body to achieve the enterprise objectives.

In most enterprises, management is the responsibility of the executive management under the leadership of the chief executive officer (CEO).

(Roles, activities and relationships between main stakeholders of an enterprise)

(COBIT 5 Governance and Management Key Areas)

  • APO: Align, Plan and Organise.
  • BAI: Build, Acquire and Implement.
  • DSS: Deliver, Service and Support.
  • MEA: Monitor, Evaluate and Assess.

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