If I were a Spanish media, I would set up a BlueSky Spanish cluster.
Right now the media is complaining about social media, illegitimate use of their information, how the algorithm affect them, blah blah blah
With Bluesky you can create a cluster, you just need budget and the knowledge (that can be taken with some $$).
In Brazil one cluster was created for other reasons, why not in Spanish?
The media has the opportunity to:
- Experiment,
- Set up an organization with a cool name and sponsor a cluster (which is not money for them)
- Learn to compete in digital media with the ambition of moving the needle,
- Decrease the impact of Twitter and other social media networks.
- Learn how to monetize that environment
I’m surprised they have not do this yet.
If I had money, I would set it up myself!

Who will finally do it?
Sooner or later an actor will do it, it’s a question of time. I have no clue about who will do it, media, or other companies can be tempted to do it.
I understand it’s a business with many challenges, but I think there’s an opportunity to explore.