Digital Advertising Ecosystem

The Digital Advertising world is a huge ecosystem composed by thousand of players. This post is a way of exploration of this environment. Let’s start with some basic concepts: SSP and DSP Who are some of the main players in each side of the table? This is not an exclusive table, I have divided the … Read more

Modelos de Negocio

Libro escrito por Jose Antonio de Miguel, Obra imprescindible para quienes desean profundizar en la creación y evolución de negocios en un entorno cambiante y lleno de incertidumbre. Una de las fortalezas más notables del libro es su excelente estructura, que permite al lector avanzar de forma lógica y fluida desde los fundamentos hasta las … Read more

Weight loss drugs

Disclaimer: This analysis is based on publicly available information and should not be construed as investment or medical advice. I have a lifestyle that is considered healthy (do sport, good eating habits…) and I was shocked some months ago when I learned from a friend that stayed in an AirBNB apartment and the host had … Read more

ServiceNow maps

Some Wardley Maps I have created to learn some concepts and make a list of questions for next January where we have a workshop with ServiceNow, ServiceNow Multi-Tenant Core with Tenant Inheritance ServiceNow RBAC Components (value stream) ServiceNow Security Topology (Value stream)

NBA, 3 points evolution

In the social networks this year many basketball supporters complain about the amount of plays that ends with a 3 points shoot. Looking into the data, the situation is not new, there are to me 2 teams that were pionniers: Houston Rockets and Golden State Warriors. Later, the other teams started to copy it. The … Read more

Adoption by humans

Sometimes we lose the perspective about the time humans take to change things. We are going too fast in some technological changes, but we are so much slow on the adoption of the new practices.

Spanish cluster for Bluesky

If I were a Spanish media, I would set up a BlueSky Spanish cluster. Right now the media is complaining about social media, illegitimate use of their information, how the algorithm affect them, blah blah blah With Bluesky you can create a cluster, you just need budget and the knowledge (that can be taken with … Read more

How Private Equity can benefit from Wardley Maps

Private Equity Firms have thousand of quantitative measures which are used in the different processes of the PE cycle. All this make decision-making and value creation of the portfolio to be based on data. All these quantitative measures could be complemented with qualitative tools as Wardley Mapping where they can help on: Wardley Mapping can … Read more