NBA maps

This post collects the different posts about the qualitative analysis I’m doing about the NBA franchises.

Today there are so much quantitative data about so many aspects of the game, but there is few information about other aspects of the game that are part of the day to day of a NBA team and that enable to see the progress of a team as a whole.

I’m trying to build a common way to look at the non-quantitative aspects of the franchise and enable the view of their context so with that perspective we can understand all the details that come from quantitative data.

The idea of a non-quantitative model to put in perspective the evolution of NBA teams come from the Wardley Maps. Wardley Maps is provided courtesy of Simon Wardley and licensed Creative Commons Attribution Shared –Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0).


Revision of concepts and methodology:

The NBA as organization

Articles around the organization, its capabilities and how things are progressing.

  • Launchpad Program, the vehicle to explore, evaluate and try Tech innovative solutions for the league.
  • NBA League Pass evolution, how the streaming service built by the NBA is progressing in a market dominated by TVs.


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