Sueños Robados, El baloncesto yugoslavo

Que gran descubrimiento este libro. Para mi, que jugé a este deporte durante mucho tiempo y que tuve la oportunidad de ver a algunos de estos equipos en directo. Me ha encantando poder entender algunas de las razones por las que se dió este fenómeno deportivo, social, demográfico y político; y de como una serie … Read more

The Jordan rules

I played basketball for so many years, and this book remembered me these days on highschool watching NBA finals. Very interesting book about the NBA backstage.

The grand design

By Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. I have been so much time without reading a book like this. I have enjoyed it a lot. Next one, Sunset Park the last one of Paul Auster.

Behind the Cloud

…The Untold Story of How, nice book for summer time, some of the chapters are really good, specially the ones related to marketing and sales, some other chapters are a little bit boring. What I liked the most has been: V2MOM model to create alignment: Vision, values, method, obstacles, measures. Marketing tactics. Clear vision … Read more

Arte nuevo de hacer comedias en este tiempo

Muchas veces ignoramos a los clásicos por ser muy leídos, por no aportar algo diferente o vanguardista… o yo que sé porque. El hecho es que los clásicos de la literatura son muy amplios y encontrar género literario adecuado al gusto de cada uno hace que ese clásico sea de muy buena calidad y grato … Read more

The lazy Project Manager

I have enjoyed reading this book, the experiences, the way to face problems, and the approach through the continuous prioritisation following the pareto principle, where in 80% of the cases, the solution requires only 20% of the resources needed to solve all cases. Just to remind it, the Decalogue proposed for success the lazy way, … Read more

Parkinson’s Law or the Pursuit of Progress (some notes)

Finally I bought this book. It took me some research till to find it. Alcalá del Olmo (Cervantes 10 in Madrid) had it: fourth impression from April 1958. To remind it, I try to summarize what I have annotated in a paper chapter by chapter. 1.- Parkinson’s law or the rising pyramid, “Work expands so … Read more