Dimensions of dificulty

To remember for my poor memory: Why this table is relevant? When you are explaining complex models or concepts, it is interesting to divide the explanation of complex going from simple situations to a more complex ones. These degrees of difficulty can happen in many perspectives, and the table contains different view that could be … Read more

Senge’s laws of the Fifth discipline

In the book “The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization”, Peter Senge define a set of laws or truths, that leaders can use to guide themselves when dealing with organizations. The 11 laws

competitive Vs contextual positioning

In the context of product management for B2B there are two primary ways to do positioning: Positioning IT’s the act of choosing a reference point (anchor) for customers that helps them quickly understand your product. You anchor your product in one way or other. With competitive positioning, you “anchor” against a tool they use. “Don’t … Read more

Product solution fit and Market product fit

These 2 concepts are different and it’s important to understand the details when working on the development of a product. Product-Solution Fit is an earlier stage than Product-Market Fit. Product-Solution Fit It refers to the point where a product has been developed with features that solve specific problems for users. At this stage, the focus … Read more

Philadelphia BarCamp 2023

This morning I arrived to the event at 8.00 am and I saw the dashboard was almost empty. I said myself, well I can talk about maps. So I added my talk to the dashboard. I added it on the second session as I wanted to have time to prepare something. I’m very grateful for … Read more

Generative AI, where to start?

The Generative AI’s hype is huge (bigger than the Virtual Reality hype happened in 2021). Everybody is talking about how wonderful that is coming, but when we look into our companies… where should I start? What is the situation the companies have internally to face this challenge? My suggestion, start drawing the situation AS-IS for … Read more