Alternatives to classic strategic approaches

In the book “A New Way to Think” Roger L. Martin does a distinction between the classic model of strategic thinking and an alternative for 14 different aspects of the companies. I have summarized it in a table, so I can review from time to time. Classic model Alternative model Competition Holds that corporations compete, … Read more

dScerner solutions

The company dScerner offers different software solutions for the decision making process. The way the solution attends the scenarios is visualized in this diagram:

Dimensions of dificulty

To remember for my poor memory: Why this table is relevant? When you are explaining complex models or concepts, it is interesting to divide the explanation of complex going from simple situations to a more complex ones. These degrees of difficulty can happen in many perspectives, and the table contains different view that could be … Read more

Senge’s laws of the Fifth discipline

In the book “The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization”, Peter Senge define a set of laws or truths, that leaders can use to guide themselves when dealing with organizations. The 11 laws

Which Big consultancy will be first?

One day, if Wardley Mapping cross the chasm, it will be adopted by early majority and one of the mechanisms which will enable this will be through consultancies. That’s a condition: Wardley Mapping has to cross the chasm, this cannot be taken for granted. It can happen or it cannot. Diffusion layers do not come … Read more