During this the year the baselines to measure the evolution and efficiency of the Service in the work group were not defined at the beginning of the year.
Of course this ‘oversight’ 🙂 provokes that for the rest of the year there were not a pattern to compare what you consider as ‘good’ and measure it with the real numbers you are getting.
For 2008 we have already defined all the patterns that we can measure with data: SLA of tickets, performance of the enhancements, cost charge, risk management… In fact we already are taking information about how we are working during these 3 last months in order to have a quick reference of the current status of the Service.
Finally the most important things using a baseline are the monitoring and controlling the evolution of the Service with respecting this pattern. After that we can analyze and make decisions to correct the evolution of the Service for our Customer. In addition we want to change corrective work in preventive one.
As you can figure out, this is a basic tool of work in Service Supports. The amazing fact is the absence of this tool…