Book updates for: “Draw your Company Strategy”

Draw your Company Strategy is a book that is available in:



Book updates

Depending on the date you acquired “Drawing your company strategy” it could be that the newer versions contain more information. If you are interested on it, please be in touch with me and we fix it.

Version 5.0 (04/05/2024 – Today)

Bug fixes

  • Orthography and some wrong typos.

New Content

  • The basic use of climatic patterns: anticipation
  • Ethical level of gameplays
  • Strategic attitudes: competitive Vs contextual positioning
  • Patterns of Strategy
  • Principles of Good Strategy / Bad Strategy
  • Weak signals
  • Focus on user adoption

Version 4.0 (17/03/2023 – 04/05/2024)

Bug fixes

  • Orthography and some wrong typos.

New Content

  • The appropriate number of components per map.
  • Theory of constraints and goal trees.
  • On the section beyond the basis:
    • Wardley maps antipatterns
    • The bad actor in a Wardley Map

Version 3.0 (05/12/2022 – 17/03/2023)

Bug fixes

  • Orthography and some wrong typos.

New Content

  • Different strategic attitudes.
  • 10 schools of strategy (from book: Safari to strategy).
  • New section in the book: Beyond the basics:
    • Relationships to evolutionary stage.
    • Inertia as a type of gameplay.
    • Protect yourself against your own inertia.
    • Where does inertia occur?
    • What are the limits of a Wardley Map?
    • Roadmap, planning and backcasting.

Version 2.0 (14/04/2022 – 05/12/2022)

Bug fixes

  • Orthography and some wrong typos.

New Content

  • Section related to users and user needs.
  • Section related to capabilities.
  • Section about basic moves of the components.

Version 1.0 (14/01/2022 – 14/04/2022)

Original version of the book, translated from the original Spanish version (V1.0). You can acquire it here.

Bug fixes

  • Orthography and some wrong typos.

New Content

  • Addition of the PST model, and the concept of steal.
  • Added Cynefin principles.
  • Improved map look.

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