Working on a RFP

I’m now inmersed in a call for tender. The way to work on the call is answering the specific questions with no more than 3 pages.

My main responsibility is manage the evolution of the works providing the resources and helping the team with the things they need.

Other thing I do is review the different technical documents we have to deliver, looking for mistakes and taking into account the model we want to offer is in each one of the different questions.

Other interesting assignment I have is the calculation of the individual rates we have to offer for each one of the teams. This part is a little bit complicated becuase in this framework contract they do not ask for an individual rates, they have built different teams compositions taking into account the activity performed and the number of people which compose the team. You get money just for the delivery of these types of activities, so indirect costs have to be added to these rates (overhead, infrastructure, travels, training, bench…).

Let’s see how it finnishes.

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