Help others sometimes has counterproductive effects

I manage different teams and for me it’s essential to understand the way the things happens on each project or service.

The reason is easy, later I have to go to the client and manage situations in the right way. To be in front of the client, understand the situation and be able to provide details that help to the understanding of the other side has been always a good approach with so many benefits.

The problem sometimes comes from the internal management of the team. Some people understand my approach on the help and they are happy to see my interest and the benefits of providing this information.

Others understand this way to the desire of control I have on their activities. They increase the volume of e-mails reporting about daily things I understand they do and I have not to take care of it.

One month ago I had to talk about this point and try to explain my approach in a clear way: I’m not here to control you, I’m here to understand some details of your service that help me to communicate the client in a manner that I can defend our position with the use of information that is useful for all of us; so thank you for all these reporting e-mails you send me but I don’t need them. I know you do these things but I don’t need evidences of it.

The guy got the message in a positive way. The fault was mine, I sometimes do not explain my intentions in the right way and there are misunderstandings. 🙁   This was explained too.

Now things works better.

(home, sweet home)

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