Time to wait

I have been working during last 6 months on a business case with a new customer. 5 versions of the solution, so many details in terms of assumptions approaches ROI analysis, meetings to define directions, align expectations…

3 weeks ago, the customer steering committee decided to go ahead with the project. So much delay for a project which the first project package should be in production before 2nd week of October, but with some adaptions we can reach that deadline.

We have worked on the contract during a week and now is delivered. The customer wants to start next Monday and they want us to procure the infrastructure, travel for workshops and start labor expenditure.

If we go ahead without the purchase order signed we will work at risk, if we wait for the sign off and that takes 2 weeks, there will not be project.

This is a new customer, they have taken so much time to make a decision, we understand that you need time to decide, but the constrains were there and now the real consequences are here: there could be a “no go”.

In any case the decision is clear, no work at risk, provide us the approved PO and we will then progress as planned. There are things that we simply cannot accept.

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