SAP and their cloud journey

Some years ago SAP announced the creation of SAP Business By Design (BBD). This solution was created to gather the ERP needs for mid-size companies and be one piece of puzzle on the journey to move the SAP services to cloud based solutions (other are: successfactors for HR, Ariba for procurement).

The relevancy of BBD in the market has been low, and SAP was losing the race to the cloud services in this area.

Then the strategy to reach the market changed. After so many discussions about the pricing models to offer SAP on Amazon Web Services, now you can acquire SAP on the AWS Market Place.

The market target is different, but it’s relevant how the synergies between infrastructure and applications (now cloud services) are established.

From the position point of view, it’s interesting to highlight the way SAP is sold. In the past SAP decided the pricing models and the way to acquire the software; now in the AWS marketplace, the rules are defined by Amazon: price per hour.



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