Stand up desk

This is a “do it yourself” implementation of the professional stand up desks.

What do you need? just a simple shelf, a table, some screws and four small squads.

We have cut with the saw at the high where the elbows have around 90º, so it is as much ergonomic as possible. The table where we set the screen has the right high for looking the screen without issues for the neck.

This is the result:

Problems we faced and solutions we found:

  • As the shelf is not so good we had to add some squads to increase stability.
  • When we added the printer and some other heavy stuff, this increased the stability.
  • As we added the printer, we have added a small box so you can put you foot on it and modify the position a little bit. For instance my heels suffer when I am more than 30 minutes on the same position.
  • The shelf is very useful for storing the keyboard in case you want to use other laptop instead the computer.

Is there any improvement you think I should add?


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