The Future of SAP HR

I work with SAP HCM and I am always looking for the direction this solution is taking. I found this article that explains very well the situation of the product and the road-map.

For me and my customer, the summary is:

  • My customer can preserve SAP HCM till 2025, they are legally covered.
  • SAP is investing on SuccessFactors, so new features will be implemented there.
  • SAP SuccessFactors have to provide payroll solution in a robust way as today on SAP HCM.
  • My customer is investing on Workday, so they can wait and see how Workday payroll solution works: they have 10 years to move SAP HCM processes to Workday (more than enough).
  • The only planned investment at this moment is the EPh6.
  • EPh6 has new features that can be activated, but in the environment we work, we will first upgrade it, then on the development environment we will test and show these new features to the BPOs and we will decide the final configuration of these new features.

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