Zipline, for trading simuation

Zipline is an open-source algorithmic trading simulator written in Python. I have installed Zipline library with pip, in my case, as I’m using PyDev I went to Window>Preferences>Python Interpreter>Install/Uninstall with pip Once I have tried to use it, I was not able to find the quick way to build the basic code I wanted, so … Read more

III Maratón MTB ciudad de Tarifa

Family traveling, me preparing the vacations to the Pyrenees mountains, and suddenly the possibility to ride this race. For sure I’m still far away of the shape I need for the Pyrenees, but this was a good check point to know how I was. The total distance, taking into account the launched start was 62.17 … Read more

Quantitative trading, Ernie Chang

This book contains basic concepts and approach (step by step) for does that want to initiate themselves on Quantitative trading. The focus is on statistical arbitrage trading, that deals with the simplest financial instruments: stocks, futures, and sometimes currencies. The chapters cover the steps a trader should take: The Whats, Whos, and Whys of Quantitative … Read more

Intro to Python for Data Science

DataCamp offers a set of courses oriented on programming and data scientist. I found some basic courses about python that have helped me to understand how the language works and practice with a good balance of theory and exercise. Intro to Python for Data Science, is the free course that enables you to understand how … Read more

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