Pydev with Eclipse

I find EMACS too much complex for me. I want to concentrate on the analysis of data with Pyhton, so I have looked for and alternative IDE for Python: Pydev.

The steps I have followed are:

  1. Download and install Eclipse (in reality I had it on my computer).
  2. Then, download, install and test Phyton.
  3. Once done, download and install Jython.
  4. Download and install IronPython.
  5. Install PyDev.
  6. Create a new PyDev project.
  7. I have created a file with print(“hello world”), then I have debugged it and it worked.
  8. Create a package to gather all the information.
  9. The set-up of the environment is very well explained. You first have to configure the interpreter, then you can develop all you need. In my case I’m starting importing some finance data from Yahoo Finance.
  10. Using Windows>Properties>Python Interpreter , install library “numpy” using “pip” as installer. This step is crucial to me as Python interpreter just work on PyDev in my computer.


I’m sure EMACS runs faster and it’s more efficient than Eclipse, but the point is that now I can concentrate on the development of the scripts I want to implement. 🙂

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