Strategy to test: bb-rsi-cmf

The strategy I’m using is very popular and extended. So many people knows it and therea re thousand of variances to the main one. Surprisingly it still works. The name I gave to this strategy is “bb-rsi-cmf” and comes from the 3 indicators I’m using to work on it. These indicators are: Trend indicator = … Read more

Bolsa para Dummies

Un amigo me recomendó leerme este libro, en concreto la parte 3, que recorre un día de trading cualquiera, repasando hábitos y actividades en las cuales nos deberíamos centrar; y la parte 4, que repasa varias estrategias básicas: gap, bandas de bollinger, y cruce de medias. Me sirvió para confirmar algunas cosas que ya había … Read more

Anaconda, configuration

Python Data Science Platform I have installed this Anaconda environment with the purpose of performing the backtesting activities I’m working on with Python. The process It’s easy to install and there is nothing you have to configure. You just need to start coding and working on it. The user adoption for the notebook is quick, … Read more

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