SAFe Scaled Agile Framework

Time to learn, time to read, now working on a deal where the customer is implementing their own version of SAFe. There are a lot of documentation and intelligence on all of this, very interesting time learning about it. Something I do not like is that is a closed community, I understand that organizations need … Read more

I was yesterday night navigating onto the different charts and data that are available in this web: The purpose is to define a set of macro indicators that enable me to contrast macro trends into a sector, so I can advance in general terms the trend of the sector or identify a divergence. For instance, … Read more


¿qué plan de electricidad me conviene más? Esta es una pregunta que muchos en España nos hacemos con el incremento progresivo de la tarifa de la luz. Han surgido mucha competencia con los cambios legislativos y esta solución es muy interesante para responder la pregunta y para entender las variables que influyen en el precio … Read more

The logic of the market

This book is an excellent way to learn how China transformed its economy from a rural and rudimentary model to a modern model dominated by technology. The author, Weiying Zhang look at the history with a different view that is worthy for the occidental reader.

Open-source Twitter Intelligence

I continue being curious about OSINT, and I found this project named Open-source Twitter Intelligence in GIT Hub . It’s a set of code that do scraping on Twitter without using Twitter’s API, allowing you to scrape a user’s followers, following, Tweets and more. Apparently Twitter’s API has some limits and this approach avoid them. It’s written in … Read more

Open-source intelligence, first try

Leyendo documentación sobre seguridad y tratando de entender como se ponen en práctica los conceptos de OSINT, encontré un vídeo sencillo de como usar para rastrear correos electrónicos y sus contraseñas: Me pareció curioso probarlo, de manera que encontré un hueco días más tarde. Los pasos que di esta vez han sido: Instalar python 3.6. He … Read more

Being a project manager

I do not why, but sometimes I feel identified with this meme. Being a Project Manager is easy, it’s like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire, you’re on fire, everything is on fire and you’re in hell

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