S&P chart

I love this type of visual charts that represent the numbers in a different way. This one from the analysis point of view is not useful, at least to me, but it’s a nice perspective to see how it goes. https://www.finviz.com/map.ashx Today, we have almost all green:

Jodi Oil

I found this web that publishes different data related to the oil production and their derivates. https://www.jodidata.org/oil/ You can download the data and prepare more detailed reports, or you can use the graph chart available to draw simple charts.

Spotify Engineering Culture

This couple of videos helped me to understand how agility can be implemented into complex software development environments. A lot of agility knowledge shared in these videos, and so many topics related to SAFe, Video #1, this is more technical oriented, you will find things as agility, squads, continuous deployment, how teams are organized, events… … Read more

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