AWS Sagemaker

These are some notes about the basis of Sagemaker Sagemaker services SageMaker Neo optimizes the trained model and compiles it into an executable. Taking the target hardware where the model will be run as input; the compiler uses a ML model to apply performance optimizations on your model. Ground truth makes easy to label data. … Read more

AWS LightSail notes

This post is a set of notes when doing the installation of a container in AWS LightSail. Tutorials Tutorial for launching and configuring WordPress: Configuration of key aspects = WordPress Packaged By Bitnami For AWS Cloud: Notes Port 22 is the default port for SSH connections. MariaDB Bitnami commands Edit wp-config.php = … Read more

AWS CloudFront with W3 Total Cache

I have been able to configure the CDN using this document: Basically you have to: 1.- Menu: Performance \ General Settings \ CDN –> Activate the CDN in the W3 Total Cache: 2.- In AWS go to :$access_key Create an “Access key”: 3.- Menu: Performance \ CDN —> enter the credentials, and then … Read more

Cloud Economics

I have completed this 3,5 hours training about the Cloud economics. During the course I completed this map, having the customer and its main needs on top, and the AWS capabilities provided down. Screenshots (I want to save for my poor memory)

AWS Well-Architected

One of the sections of “Reaching Cloud Velocity” book is the well architected framework, where so many best practices are explained on the context of the use of AWS. I found this table on this post that summarizes the principles and the current services that are key for each one of the pillars: Update April/2022 … Read more

AWS Lambda, hello world

I found some hours to dedicate to create my first Lambda function on AWS. I read a lot about it, but I had not opportunity to practice. I followed the easy way, which means I did the use case proposed by AWS: Conclusions: You have to understand very well how to manage the different … Read more


Serverless is a buzzword It points to the future of software development in a post cloud world. The idea of “Serverless” is NOT about removing the servers completely (or you couldn’t use the internet at all), but essentially paying for services that mean that someone else manages the servers for you thereby reducing maintenance load. It’s … Read more

Amazon QuickSight

QuickSight is the Business Intelligence solution offered in AWS. Today, I assisted to a presentation webinar where a demo of the solution was done (as usual this was the useful side of the event). A no-brainier solution for all users that requires a BI tool. You can also use data from your own databases. Spice … Read more

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