Shoe dog, Phil Knight
Easy book to read about the early story of Nike and the core team behind the logo. It’s a nice story about this entrepreneur with thousand of anecdotes.
Just a place to write
Easy book to read about the early story of Nike and the core team behind the logo. It’s a nice story about this entrepreneur with thousand of anecdotes.
This book is making me to think about some habits and false concepts we use to fall in a daily basis. There are some interesting parts of the book for re-read from time to time. People regretted what they have done, and what they wished they hadn’t done, far more than what they had not … Read more
Daryl Morey joined the Rockets as General Manager in 2006 with the idea of launching data-driven decision-making on the team. This included the draft elections. In 2007 they already had their first model. His first choice was a 22-year-old boy who surpassed the rest in that model. A picture of this guy was found with … Read more
Este libro de poesía, escrito por mi tía Rosa, lo estuve leyendo poco a poco durante las noches. Muchos recuerdos y pensamientos en cada una de las líneas del libro. Libro dedicado que guardo con alegría en la estantería de casa.
Este libro de nutrición rompe con muchos dogmas adquiridos por la sociedad occidental de nuestros tiempos. Habla sobre como mirar la alimentación como una parte más de nuestra vida, recordarnos de donde venimos y como el marketing nos ha cambiado los hábitos, revisar cada cosa buena y mala que una acción tiene sobre tu cuerpo, … Read more
Con Javier en casa y el resto del jaleo, es complicado sacar tiempo para leer. Dormir es una necesidad básica de la que me cuesta prescindir. Eso si, en esta semana de diciembre con viajes a Madrid y Barcelona, me dio tiempo a leer este diario lleno de reflexiones y anécdotas.
I have started to read about this topic and I cannot stop reading articles and things related to it. I am starting from the basis to understand the concepts and how all this will change the paradigm of our lives. I have started with this book: It’s in Spanish and they do a good review … Read more
Una historia de superación personal fuera de lo normal, contado de una manera muy conmovedora. No se puede decir nada de este libro, sin que se te escapen miles de cosas que decir de él, lo mejor es leerlo.
After reading in 2014 the volume one related to microeconomics, I received these Christmas a nice present: macroeconomics 🙂 After reading both books, I was reviewing volume one and I have to say that volume one is more interesting to me due to the concepts that are reviewed and the level of details are better.
I bought it on Wednesday afternoon and I finish it on Sunday morning. I have friends that read so much quick when they have something motivating to read, but I do not usually do this type of things. 300 pages of fun for me. But it’s a book with very dramatic consequences and the scary … Read more