how will cars be refueled by 2032?

Background and purpose The raise of electric vehicles (EVs) is something we all have clear, I think that there is not question about that. Cities and roads are full of gas stations, and they are part of the environment (for good and bad reasons). Will they survive to this shift to EVs? How they will … Read more

Windpower numbers in 2020

I discovered this initiative in 2018 and I would like to check the figures from time to time. The full 2020 report is here:

Jodi Oil

I found this web that publishes different data related to the oil production and their derivates. You can download the data and prepare more detailed reports, or you can use the graph chart available to draw simple charts.


¿qué plan de electricidad me conviene más? Esta es una pregunta que muchos en España nos hacemos con el incremento progresivo de la tarifa de la luz. Han surgido mucha competencia con los cambios legislativos y esta solución es muy interesante para responder la pregunta y para entender las variables que influyen en el precio … Read more

Solar plants asset management

Today I was learning about on solar plants, how the projects are funded, the assets are created, exploded and managed. The technology aspect of the solar panels is not the key focus today, it’s how the asset is managed into a regulatory environment that is evolving. The asset management of major assets as oil and … Read more

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