Dave Snowden’s 7 principles of acts of knowing, and how we build resilient knowledge ecosystems.
This video: Seven Principles of Knowledge Knowledge as Time Optimizer In other session, Dave added these two:
Just a place to write
This video: Seven Principles of Knowledge Knowledge as Time Optimizer In other session, Dave added these two:
I don’t know who did this, but it’s brilliant
Someone is appointed as CEO of an organization by it’s knowledge, experience and potential value this person has. In one side the CEO is the best person knowing what to do with the company, and implicitly this means he has to learn about many details about what’s happening and progressing on it. Some toxic environments … Read more
This is a card for my poor memory about practical ways to make decisions. The Eisenhower Decision Matrix The classic: Making decisions as in Amazon This is not an official way to make decisions in Amazon, but I found it in “Working Backwards” book and I find it useful. Mindset to adopt depending on the … Read more
I have been thinking about the evolution of my personal development and how to progress on other areas of competency. I used to do this using a notebook listing the next future jobs that will show up, their main features, how appealing are to me and how I really fit on them. After that, I … Read more
What is the DSR?Launched in 2015, the digital silk road is a mainly private-sector-driven program, supported by the state, with the aim of enhancing China’s digital presence abroad, and thereby extending its commercial and political influence. It is so far going well, particularly in the emerging world. This subset program comes from Belt Road Initiative … Read more
There is a web that I review from time to time that is very interesting for learning and gaining perspective of what’s happening: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ this other one makes similar analysis: http://www.visualizingeconomics.com/
De la lectura “El Arte de la Prudencia“, saco estas frases: Infelicidad de necio tendrás si quieres mostrar ante la sociedad más de lo que la naturaleza te ha dado. El hombre inteligente ejecuta con rapidez lo que pensó con calma. La prisa es pasión de necios, pues como no saben dedicar tiempo a pensar … Read more
The Kepner Tregoe Method, also known as the KT-method, developed by Charles Kepner and Benjamin Tregoe. When we should use it? The Kepner Tregoe method is a problem analysis model which fits well when the “problem” is disconnected from the “decision”. The Kepner-Tregoe Matrix comprises 4 steps: How to use it
Read, learn, make questions to myself and start again. So this week I learn the existence of this plan named: Internet of Food & Farm 2020. The heart of the project is formed by 19 use cases grouped in 5 trials with end users from the Arable, Dairy, Fruits, Vegetables and Meat verticals and IoT … Read more