Desired components flow in a Wardley Map

This is a theoretical exercise out of context that helps me to explain the evolution of components into a map. It contain a lot of capital flow management decisions, which means that you have to have a clear definition about what is the expected balance between capital expenditure Vs. added value provided. It’s an ideal … Read more

100 days plan for creating a Lean Portfolio

Context You are in an organization where you are driving different initiatives and they are being approved in silos, without having a strategic view about where each one of these initiatives are going on. Better understanding of the ROI of the investment is required, to keep the pace of construction is desired, understand there is … Read more

Scaled Agile Frameworks Map

The context of this map is the adoption of different organizational models in the software industry, by enterprises that decide to build instead of buying. When this shift happens they have to build their capabilities, and the way they organize the software construction is one of them. You can say: “you should have written this … Read more

NBA value chain map

This is the first draft of an idea that is growing up in my mind, and it’s to combine the Wardley Maps with the NBA. The NBA as organization is very rich, in so many aspects and it’s making a lot of continuous adjustments to evolve and be a competitive platform for the teams. It’s … Read more