Sierra de Grazalema

During these 2 weeks in Cádiz my main activity has been work, work and work. Finally on 24th I had the chance to a trip: My friends were going to explore with the mountain bikes around Grazalema, so I thought it was a good chance to do a trip running and walking. To run alone … Read more

Closing the year

2011 is finishing. It’s the first time in 7 years that I stay in the same position during 2 years. It has been important to be here for 2 years, this last one is very challenging and I required time to achieve it well. New challenges are coming, I have to think about them during … Read more

Basic portfolio principle

Home in a community: Your home can be customized within boundaries (local / community regulations). All homeowners must use standardized services (local roads, utilities, etc.). This is a basic civic principle. Project in a portfolio: Projects can be customized within boundaries (standards). All core and core/dependent projects will leverage standard processes, architecture and infrastructure and … Read more

From the position #246 in google

Are you more lost than an entry that is shown in the position #246 in google? If you are there, from my honest oppinion, you are an anonymous person in this great world, and the words you write are not identified as useful by a search engine. Congratulations, you are different!!!

Joomla extensions

Some Joomla extensions I’m using: 1.- Simple Picture Slideshow (available for 1.5 and 2.5): Installed and used: very simple and with a lot of parameters to custom it. 2.- Canonical URL Module I have to review it 3.- Search Engine Site Verification Plugin for Google/Yahoo/ From: Installed and used 4.- Google … Read more

A good example of a letter

I have read and re-read this letter a couple of times. For sure to understand it you should have some knowlede about NBA. By the way, 2 days later NBA commisioner denied the trade because “sport reasons” “Commissioner, It would be a travesty to allow the Lakers to acquire Chris Paul in the apparent trade … Read more

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