Joomla, Ozio Gallery

The main problem I have found with other photo galleries is the time response. Ozio Gallery, finds the answer: store the images in a cloud space that offers good time response (in this case google), and visualize it on your web with this gallery. You will have good time response, save storage, but will … Read more

Electronic device storage

This summer we were visiting NYC and find this weird car. The main sign says “Electronic device storage”, what the hell is that? We asked the lady inside which type of service it was. Apparently the high schools do not allow the students to carry on their mobile phones. This means they have to keep … Read more

Joomla, my experience 3 years later

I started using Joomla 3 years ago. First year, I decided using Joomla, the main reasons were: the community behind it, the capacity to have modules on top of a core engine that worked in a very stable way. It took me a while to understand how it worked, how to manage it and how … Read more

Talend ESB & SAP PI

I have been reading this technical note related to the integration of SAP data using open source data integration (Talend). The reason is because I have this situation. We provide support to a SAP HCM system that delivers the HR processes for UK. This includes the delivery of the HMRC report (Her Majesty’s Revenue and … Read more

I have installed Piwigo, Good points: Installation and configuration is extremely easy. Upload templates is easy. Generate content is also very intuitive. Bad points: The time response is not good. The issue is not Piwigo, I would point to the hosting service I have for that, but this is a relevant point for an user … Read more

Eat your own dogfood

I was reading an article about Jeff Bezos and it contained a link to this article from a ex-amazon employee now working for Google. I find it very interesting, starting from the culture differences both companies have, going them through some complexities that SOA represents for the big corporations implementing it, and finally a very … Read more

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