In the era of Big-data, we consume opinions, isn’t it ironic?

Before there were “serious” press and tabloids, now I don’t know how to find the difference, they all seem to be tabloids. Almost everything on newspapers are opinions and there is little “data”.

Today is the international day of the press without borders and to celebrate Reporters Without Borders is enabling access to certain websites in countries where they are inaccessible; I think is a nice initiative by the way.

But next year I want to propose they will launch a campaign to recover “the verified data”, at least in the Spanish press.

Another idea that comes to my mind is that press could notify in a given news the percentage of data and the percentage of opinion. In the same way than the food describes the % of ingredients and add the % daily recommended amount, I would like to see when I read a newspaper the percentage  “data” and the percentage of “opinion” in a given news.

Imagine!, in this way  I can know if my quota of daily tabloids reading is covered.

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Give me the data, and I will build my own opinion!

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