Windows patches

A customer called me today to discuss about software alternatives related to future environment for a shop floor solution they have. We reviewed the main requirements and during the conversation we talked about different major environments. Suddenly we did a stop on .NET, and this was what happened. We are running a shop floor solution … Read more

The career upgrade roadmap

This book basically convinces you to change the way to find the job you want. The difference with others I have read is that it proposes you a specific approach with clear steps you have to follow. One of the main messages is that if you send CVs on any job board, you will compete … Read more

Which ecosystem/s are the right ones for me?

So many companies are moving from their current environments to the new ecosystems available in the market. This drives the organizations to perform a rationalization of their portfolios. This is no-brainer, but the first step is to understand your current portfolio of assets and what are your business priorities for the future. Once done, next … Read more


Right now there are six digital ecosystems that dominates the digital world,they are known as GAFAMA: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Alibaba. Between these six ecosystems their combined market cap is $2.3 trillion (equivalent to the size of the UK economy). For the rest of the world there are 2 main questions: How can I … Read more

Attribution modeling

To attract new customers through marketing campaigns is more complex thanks to the new channels where consumers reach a brand. This makes the way to reach the consumer to be more complex. The aim of attribution modeling is to understand the influence each advertising impression has on a consumer’s decision to make a purchase decision. … Read more

AWS Vs Office365 1 TB

I am looking for 1 Tera Byte storage solution on the cloud and I started to look for it in AWS and Office365. The surprise have been: the price offered by Microsoft: Microsoft 69€/year. AWS: 30,57$/month.

Ruta por Sierra de Cádiz

Buena ruta ayer sábado con Alfredo por una de las sierras que más me gusta. Unos datos para el recuerdo Benaocaz – Villaluenga: 4.5kms – 1.45h Villaluenga – Circo: 11kms – 2.45h Circo – Casa Dornajo: 1km – 45m Casa Dornajo – Benaocaz: 2.5kms – 1 h Total 18kms en 6 horas.

MVC pattern + DevOps + agile = SaaS developer

This equation is so simple, there are transferable skills that can be used in different platforms. MVC pattern + DevOps + agile = SaaS developer In the market, companies working on SalesForce, ServiceNow, Workday… all of them are looking for developers. You cannot learn how to develop ServiceNow code using the traditional training channels: they … Read more

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