Brexit, too much opinions and lack of data.

So many things have been discussed and told about the Brexit. I have read a lot of bullshit and opinions the topic, so I have tried to concentrate on assertive analysis and data. The 2 analysis I liked more are these ones: Leaving the EU (Deloitte): link How important is the European Union to UK … Read more

Blockchain, learning about the basis

I have started to read about this topic and I cannot stop reading articles and things related to it. I am starting from the basis to understand the concepts and how all this will change the paradigm of our lives. I have started with this book: It’s in Spanish and they do a good review … Read more

Bike-a-thon Bridge to the Beach

Last Sunday I participated on this ride organized by ACS (American Cancer Society). Between the route and the road to home we did 120 kms, which is not a bad distance with the temperature and the humidity we had. The route itself has interesting parts with nice views and some others that are a little … Read more

Date formats in excel

Just for my memory, Just in USA the date format is mm/dd/yyyy, the rest of the world uses dd/mm/yyyy. Anyway… I have excels where I have both formats inherited from links, so I cannot change the source data. The solution: =IF(ISNUMBER(Q202);Q202;DATE(RIGHT(Q202;4);LEFT(Q202;FIND(“/”;Q202)-1);MID(Q202;FIND( “/”;Q202 )+1;2)))

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