Integrated Master Plan

This post is very useful to have a methodology at the time of creating an Integrated Master Plan (IMP). The role of the Integrated Master Plan is to provide the Strategy for the successful completion of the program. If you are working on an Integrated Master Plan, read it! thanks Glen!

Microsoft chatbot technology

Microsoft Bot Framework It is composed by 3 components: Microsoft Cognitive Services, where you will use LUIS for interacting with the services.LUI is not a chatbot-, but a language parsing engine. Bot Builder SDK: you can either develop on Node.js or .NET Azure bot: a place to deploy your bots. LUIS LUIS is a language understanding service under … Read more

Hello world in quantitative trading

Since I started on this field the focus has been to be able to build a set of I found this training course with the slides posted, where Michael Halls-Moore explains the basis of the backtesting with Python and Pandas. Things to remind Taxonomy of trading strategies: forecasting, mean reversion, momentum and high frequency trading. … Read more

Learning when to “sell”

I learned some time ago that it is more difficult to define when to sell than when to buy. Now during the learning process about trading I learned a couple of tips. Both of them are basic and valid for long term investment. Check the average of 200 days and when the value of the … Read more

Intellectual property valuation

Management of Intellectual property (IP) The intangible assets created through the processes of innovation represent a major share of the value of today’s businesses. The IP rights associated with those assets are the legal underpinning for potential returns on investment in that innovation. Despite their fundamental importance, the understanding of IP and IP rights does … Read more

Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends On It

Ravikant, Kamal has written this short book where there is not a extra adjective or word so you can concentrate in the goal of the book. For my memories some of the topics described in the book: Darkness is the absence of light, any negative though is darkness. How do you remove it?, do you … Read more

Distribution of Lithium, a challenge

Electric vehicles Almost all is written about the impact of the electric vehicles on our lives and how the trend of the consumer, the industry and the governments are doing around it. Once you go in deep, this new industry generates bottlelnecks that are opportunities to the people and companies working around the electric vehicle … Read more

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