Prestashop admin user does not log in

My Prestashop’s admin user does not log in into the back-office, I have checked the password is right and I still cannot go in. The error message is:

“There is one error. the employee does not existor the password is wrong”

Reset Prestashop admin password

I have followed these steps recommended by different forums:

  1. Look in config/ file in your Prestashop directory and find out the _COOKIE_KEY_ value.
  2. I have copied the value of the parameter: <_COOKIE_KEY_>.
  3. I have updated the entry with the following line:
    UPDATE employee SET passwd = md5(“<_COOKIE_KEY_ value><yourNewPassword>”) WHERE email = “<youremailaddress>”;

This is not working to me, it still does not go in.

Enable error reporting

I have enabled error reporting on Prestashop. And the result is that there is a white screeen after I try to log in. So I have disable the error reporting.


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