
UIPath offers a community version of their RPA solution with the ability of building your own robots, and an environment to implement them. RPA Starter + local tests I have tried to see how it works. So create an user, download the developer GUI, complete “RPA Starter” course. The tool is very complete and there … Read more

RPA on wordpress

There is still not an RPA that could be installed and run on WordPress. I hope very soon there is someone that works on that and enable the automation of processes!!Some years ago the existence of a e-commerce solution on WordPress was not possible, but today is a reality, a very strong competitor for small … Read more

Value Chain Analysis

To complement the Value Chain Maps or Wardley maps, I want to remind the details of these 3 steps, as they serve me to document in detail the situations and details related to the context: Activity Analysis. Value Analysis. Evaluate, change & plan action.

Post-mortem incident analysis

After having a priority 1 issue in production, we conduct a post-mortem analysis. Some best practices (ground rules) We try to see the issue as an holistic situation where we can learn more than expected. From To Seeking Single Root Cause for an outage ➡ Addressing the multiple systemic contributing factors to an outage Prevention … Read more

El necio y la necedad

De la lectura “El Arte de la Prudencia“, saco estas frases: Infelicidad de necio tendrás si quieres mostrar ante la sociedad más de lo que la naturaleza te ha dado. El hombre inteligente ejecuta con rapidez lo que pensó con calma. La prisa es pasión de necios, pues como no saben dedicar tiempo a pensar … Read more

Google Could map

Google is building another sub-sea cable to improve their capabilities with Alcatel. https://cloud.google.com/blog/produc…o-south-africa Below, a map of the current situation, not bad, isn’t it? The key aspect of all this is the space-division multiplexing (SDM) technology. To summarize how powerful it is: In 1858, Queen Victoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to U.S. President James … Read more

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