In plain English CATWOE is a checklist that can be used to encourage problem-solving thinking.
CATWOE is the acronym for Clients, Actors, World view, Owners, and Environment.
- Customers – Who benefits from the business?
- Actors – Who are the players in the process?
- Transformation Process – What is the transformation at the core of the system?
- World View – What is the big picture of the business, and what are its impacts?
- Owner – Who owns the impacted system, and what’s their relation?
- Environmental Constraints – What are the constraints, and how do they impact the solution?
It’s a way to identify the root causes of an scenario and it’s a good complement for other tools as:
- Wardley Mapping.
- RAID (Risks, Assumptions, issues, dependencies),
- Ishikawa (fishbone) diagrams.