Year 4, Q2 Machine Learning on kaggle

During Q1 one of the topics have been to learn about Artificial Intelligence, and after reading and listen several podcasts, I have decided that I would like to learn about Machine learning using Kaggle environment: python, jupyter notebooks, examples, a large community, competitions….

I have already completed the python course to refresh my knowledge and start this quarter on it.

The plan

So the V2MOM for this quarter will be:

  • Vision: Learn about Machine Learning on Kaggle.
  • Values: have fun, change habits day by day.
  • Method: do courses, advance in the novice roadmap, participate on a competition, write code, read code…
  • Obstacles:
    • Time.
    • Ariel’s surgery.
  • Measures:
    • Do at least 3 courses.
    • Listen at least 13 hours of podcasts related to Machine Learning.
    • Compete at least in one competition.

Death line = 30/June/2021

The results (July 2021)


I’m very happy this quarter with the knowledge gained on machine learning and I’m going to continue next quarter on this topic as there are so many things to be learnt.

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