The cross-industry standard process for data mining or CRISP-DM is an open standard process framework model for data mining project planning, created in 1996.

The process of CRISP-DM is into 6 phases or components:
- Business understanding – What does the business need?
- Data understanding – What data do we have / need? Is it clean?
- Data preparation – How do we organize the data for modeling?
- Modeling – What modeling techniques should we apply?
- Evaluation – Which model best meets the business objectives?
- Deployment – How do stakeholders access the results?
1. Business understanding
Basic checklist:
- Understand business requirements
- Form a business question
- Turn the business question into ML question/s
- Define criteria for successful outcome of the project
- Highlight project’s critical features
- List assumptions
- List resources (specially data resources)
- List risks and potential mitigation actions
- Build a return of investment (ROI) calculation
2. Data understanding
Basic checklist:
- Data collection:
- Define steps to extract data
- Analyze data for detecting additional requirements
- Consider other data sources
- Data properties
- Describe data: amount, metadata, properties
- Find features and relationships in the data
- Quality
- Verifying attributes
- Identifying missing data
- Reveal inconsistencies
- List problems
3.- Data preparation
Basic checklist:
- Final dataset selection
- Analyze constraints: size, included/excluded columns, record selection, data types
- Final dataset preparation
- Steps: clean, transform, merge, format
- Make decisions about what to do with missing data. Take notes about these decisions.
- Make decisions about what to do with missing properties. Take notes about these decisions.
4.- Modelling
Basic checklist:
- Select a model, create it
- Create a testing plan for that model
- Split training and testing datasets
- model evaluation criterium
- Tune and test the different available parameters
- Tweak the model for better performance
- Describe the trained models and report findings
5.- Evaluation
Basic checklist:
- What is the accuracy of the model?
- Model generalization on unseen/unknown data
- Perform quality assurance checks
- Was any important criteria overlooked?
- What is the model performance using determined data?
- Is data available for future training?
- Does the model meets the success criteria? yes / no
6.- Deployment
Basic checklist:
- Planning deployment
- Understand infrastructure deployment requirements and processes
- Understand applications deployment requirements and processes
- Understand required environments to deploy (testing, QA, production)
- Determine how code is going to be managed between environments (probably done already)
- Maintenance and monitoring
- Enable the required monitoring tools, views and reports.
- Review data quality thresholds.
- Final report
- Document all processes used in the project
- Review all goals defined for the project and if they met/not-met them (and reasons)
- Detail findings of the project
- Explain the model used and the reason this model is selected as the right one.
- Explain the models tested but finally discarded, and its reasons
- Identify the customer groups using this model
- Project review
- Summarize the results and present to stakeholders