Warning: this is a contest, come if you are willing to proactively participate. If you are just willing to listen, better stay home.
What is this about?
Prompt Engineering helps in many aspects of work, and to build maps is not an exception.
How can we create Wardley Maps with the existing prompt engineering solutions?
What is the best way to ask to the prompt?
- Introduce the challenge and the goal. (10 min)
- Work on the challenge (15-20 min)
- Review maps you have created (45 min)
- Pick the winner (15 min)
We are going to work with:
- Mapkeep: to share the maps we all do ( https://mapkeep.com/ )
- OWM nomenclature and code to enable the prompt to generate the map ( https://onlinewardleymaps.com/ )
- Prompt services: you use the one that you prefer: ChatGPT, Mistral, CoPilot, Gemini, your own doped local LLM… you just have what is the racket brand you are using to play this tennis game.
Rules of the contest
- We are proposing a business context we are willing to map. This will be done in the beginning of the call.
- You will have 15-20 minutes to draw the best map possible. Basic steps:
- You figure out how to ask the right questions to your prompt.
- You obtain a raw OWM code as output.
- You import the OWM code into Mapkeep.
- You modify the map, organize the components as best as you can.
- You add comments to the map: all you can comment to explain your map: improve your cartographist skills 🙂.
- Add a note with your name and the prompt you used (Peter / MS-Copilot).
- You share the map with Joaquín (joapen at Mapkeep).
- Comment in the chat you are done!
- Send the link to your map.
- You have to publish that map into Mapkeep, and share the link with Joaquín (joapen in Mapkeep).
- During the rest of the session we will review the maps and will challenge them. It will be a constructive feedback to understand the challenges the mapper faced during the process of asking the prompt, organize the components manually, understand the perspective of the mapper with respect that landscape, etc.
- Wardley Map Wrappers from ChatGPT are allowed. Local doped LLMs are allowed.
- The final map has to contain a note with 2 things: Your name, and the prompt you used to generate the map (for instance: Peter / MS-Copilot).
- 100% human maps are allowed (Peter / by Peter 100%)
- Organizers cannot participate.
- Keep a fun spirit, we are here for learning and have fun.
What challenges are you going to face?
- To ask the right questions is not straightforward, it requires some experience, here we want to challenge that experience you have.
- To learn in deep about a concrete business topic that I’m sure you don’t know too much (well, here maybe I’m wrong)
I want to train, what can I do?
- Practice to create OWM maps with your preferred prompt solution.
- Get familiar with MapKeep: zoom, how to move components quickly, how to share a map, etc.
- Practice how to ask better questions.
The prize:
- A book about strategy (paper version if Amazon enables you to deliver in your address).
- It will not be one of Joaquín’s book, it will be a better one 😅
What is the criteria for picking the winner? it’s difficult to do it as all maps are wrong but some are useful and the “committee” will be partially biased (it will be you).
- How the needs are defined: are they clear?
- How the components are positioned in the map taking into account the table of characteristics (attached below).
- How the dependencies (lines) are defined, do they make sense?
- The use of other elements of the glossary of terms.
Table of Characteristics:

The use case for this MapAthon
You are working with a Private Equity (PE) company. This company gets in touch with you with a problem: we want to improve the data we use to make decisions.
Decisions go from the identification of companies to invest, the short list selection, the due diligence, the management of the results once they are in the portofolio and the decisions to exit from that investment.
- They have a central system with relevant data, and from there they consume reports.
- The system gets data from external sources (market data and other relevant data).
You do not know the current situation of this PE company, or the concrete issues they have. But you are going to try to learn mapping it.
- The user is “PE Company CTO”.
- The needs: the ones you identify.
- The capabilities: the ones you identify.
A map with the current scenario that could be having the CTO of the PE company.
- No need to add future choices.