Flash Boys, Michael Lewis

After reading Liar’s Poker, I was in NYC bookstore and I couldn’t resist to buy this book. I’m not an expert on the field, even I do not consider myself an amateur, just a surprised citizen that was around. I knew what was HFT, the importance of latency, that the market volume was high for … Read more

Liar’s Poker

The right book for the right time and the right place. A book that is written in a very direct way with ironic sense of the descriptions and that keeps to engaged till the end, perfect for a 9 hours flight.

Predictably irracional

This is one book to read in some months, chapter by chapter, think on each one of the things that analyze on our behaviors. The more funny thing is to observe his experiments on your life when you are going out with friends or other situations suggested by him. I liked the Dan’s direct style … Read more

The challenger sale

Found from a summary of this book: What’s the secret to sales success? If you’re like most business leaders, you’d say it’s fundamentally about relationships — and you’d be wrong. The best sales-people don’t just build relationships with customers. They challenge them. Insight #1: There Are Five Kinds of Sales Reps. It turns out that … Read more

Finanzas Personales

Este libro de Juan Palacios Raufast me lo recomendó un amigo que conoce al profesor Palacios. Habla sobre las cuestiones anteriores a la inversión : ¿para qué quieres invertir? ¿debería invertir para tu jubilación? ¿cuánto necesitas ahorrar para tu jubilación?. Luego hace distinción entre especulador, inversor activo e inversor pasivo. En un relato directo y … Read more

Rich dad, poor dad

Someone in the office recommended me this book and some months and I did not so much attention to it, but I was looking for a book to read some weeks ago and I remembered this, easy reading, so go ahead. Things I liked: The vision about the money: make the money works for you. … Read more

Aventuras y desventuras del chico centella

I have enjoyed this book a lot, funny familiar stories between annecdotes and historic information about how a US was evolving during these years. The way the book is written and the ironic tone is excellent, and made I had a good time reading it.