Market Opening checklist

This is a checklist of things to review once just before and after the market is opened. Before market opens (9:15 ET) Check S&P and Nasdaq futures indexes. Previous day closing, Market breadth check, McClellan indicator. How is Europe going on? Check DAX. Check DIX and GEX Index in squeeemeetrics, from previous day. EUR/USD trend. … Read more

Market breadth analysis

I’m learning about market breadth and I’m trying to organize a mechanic way to analyze the data I have and improve the decisions I do about the best moment to long and short. This post covers the current set of indicators I see and the order of preference. Some basis I use S&P 500 as … Read more

Commitment of Traders (COT) in tradingview

Some theory to add background I continue studying about market breadth, and this time I’m creating a script for the analysis of the Commitment of Traders. The Commitment of Traders (COT) reports show futures traders’ positions at the close of (usually) Tuesday’s trading session. The report is prepared by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). … Read more

Tradingster, Commitments of Traders (COT) reports provides free COT charts and COT reports. The Commitments of Traders (COT) reports provide a breakdown of each Tuesday’s open interest for markets in which 20 or more traders hold positions equal to or above the reporting levels established by the CFTC. The original COT report is text based and doesn’t include any charts … Read more

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